% IMAGEFACTORY REST API(1) Version 2.0 - November 16, 2012

Image Factory is the ideal system image creation engine for any application that needs to support a variety of virtualization and cloud services. Our REST API provides developers with a straightforward and easy way to develop solutions on top of Image Factory. This document describes the Image Factory REST API for building and pushing images as well as getting the status of builder operations.

Starting imagefactory in REST mode

NOTE: As an alternative to specifying arguments on the command line, options can be set in the imagefactory configuration file. Just leave the dashes off of the option name.

Using the Image Factory REST API

To use the Image Factory REST API, send an HTTP request to any of the resources Image Factory provides. Each resource supports one or more of the standard HTTP methods (POST, GET, PUT, DELETE) which map to the operations Create, Read, Update, and Delete. More detail on what methods are supported and what parameters are required by each resource can be found in the resources section.

Request - Response formatting

Response contents are documented for each specific resource in the resources section.

## OAuth Authentication

Image Factory uses two-legged OAuth to protect writable operations from unauthorized access. This means that even when OAuth is configured and enabled, Image Factory allows all read-only requests. This makes it simple to use any browser to get a quick status of current builder activity.

Any number of consumer_key / shared_secret pairs can be used. Just add these to the clients section of the imagefactory.conf file.


"clients": {
    "client1": "our-secret",
    "client2": "just-between-us"

## Resources

Note: The examples below use HTTPie, an alternative to curl.

API Information

Returns the version string for the API

**OAuth protected:**  


__200__ - Image Factory version (version), API name (name), API version (api_version)  
__500__ - Server error

    >>> http http://f17.vm.private:8075/imagefactory                       
    HTTP/1.0 200 OK
    Content-Length: 79
    Content-Type: application/json
    Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2012 19:34:19 GMT
    Server: PasteWSGIServer/0.5 Python/2.7.3
        "api_version": "2.0", 
        "name": "imagefactory", 
        "version": "1.1.2-328-g9f87e24"

Listing Images


Lists the image collection

**OAuth protected:**  

__200__ - Image list  
__500__ - Server error  

    >>> http http://f17.vm.private:8075/imagefactory/target_images  
    HTTP/1.0 200 OK
    Content-Length: 381
    Content-Type: application/json
    Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2012 16:28:41 GMT
    Server: PasteWSGIServer/0.5 Python/2.7.3
        "target_images": [
                "target_image": {
                    "_type": "TargetImage", 
                    "href": "http://f17.vm.private:8075/imagefactory/target_images/208a3c18-8609-4441-9230-4a278660240e", 
                    "id": "208a3c18-8609-4441-9230-4a278660240e"
                "target_image": {
                    "_type": "TargetImage", 
                    "href": "http://f17.vm.private:8075/imagefactory/target_images/95ce7283-b3ad-4e15-acc0-e1adcb063cc1", 
                    "id": "95ce7283-b3ad-4e15-acc0-e1adcb063cc1"

Image Creation

Base Images


Builds a new BaseImage.  

**OAuth protected:**  

__template__ - An image template or component outline compatible with the TDL schema (http://imgfac.org/documentation/tdl).  

__202__ - New image  
__400__ - Missing parameters  
__500__ - Server error

    >>> cat | http POST http://f17.vm.private:8075/imagefactory/base_images
        "base_image": {
            "template": "<template>\n <name>f17jeos</name>\n <os>\n <rootpw>changeme</rootpw>\n <name>Fedora</name>\n <version>17</version>\n <arch>x86_64</arch>\n <install type='url'>\n <url>http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/17/Fedora/x86_64/os/</url>\n </install>\n </os>\n <description>Fedora 17</description>\n </template>"
    HTTP/1.0 202 Accepted
    Content-Length: 690
    Content-Type: application/json
    Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2012 17:14:27 GMT
    Server: PasteWSGIServer/0.5 Python/2.7.3
        "base_image": {
            "_type": "BaseImage", 
            "href": "http://f17.vm.private:8075/imagefactory/base_images/7df54954-4b95-4061-85f2-8598f326107e", 
            "icicle": null, 
            "id": "7df54954-4b95-4061-85f2-8598f326107e", 
            "parameters": {}, 
            "percent_complete": 0, 
            "status": "NEW", 
            "status_detail": {
                "activity": "Initializing image prior to Cloud/OS customization", 
                "error": null
            "template": "<template>\n <name>f17jeos</name>\n <os>\n <rootpw>changeme</rootpw>\n <name>Fedora</name>\n <version>17</version>\n <arch>x86_64</arch>\n <install type='url'>\n <url>http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/17/Fedora/x86_64/os/</url>\n </install>\n </os>\n <description>Fedora 17</description>\n </template>"

Target Images


Builds a new TargetImage.  

**OAuth protected:**  

__base_image_id__ - The uuid of a base_image to build from. Not needed if specifying a template. This can be specified in the resource path as shown in the example below.  
__template__ - An image template or component outline compatible with the TDL schema (http://imgfac.org/documentation/tdl) for creating a base image if a base image id is not specified.  
__target__ - A cloud target name such as 'rhevm', 'ec2', 'vsphere', 'openstack', etc... This must match the target field of a loaded cloud plugin.   
__parameters__ - Optional parameters that may change the nature of the image being built.  This may include things such as on-disk format or the build mechanism itself.  Parameters are never required as sensible defaults will always be used and will be made part of the queryable properties of an image.

__202__ - New image  
__400__ - Missing parameters  
__404__ - BaseImage not found  
__500__ - Error building image

    >>> cat | http POST http://f17.vm.private:8075/imagefactory/base_images/7df54954-4b95-4061-85f2-8598f326107e/target_images Content-Type:application/xml
    HTTP/1.0 202 Accepted
    Content-Length: 830
    Content-Type: application/json
    Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2012 18:53:44 GMT
    Server: PasteWSGIServer/0.5 Python/2.7.3
        "target_image": {
            "_type": "TargetImage", 
            "base_image_id": "7df54954-4b95-4061-85f2-8598f326107e", 
            "href": "http://f17.vm.private:8075/imagefactory/base_images/7df54954-4b95-4061-85f2-8598f326107e/target_images/333122dc-43c4-4f3f-b689-6dcd96bdfebe", 
            "icicle": null, 
            "id": "333122dc-43c4-4f3f-b689-6dcd96bdfebe", 
            "parameters": {}, 
            "percent_complete": 0, 
            "status": "NEW", 
            "status_detail": {
                "activity": "Initializing image prior to Cloud/OS customization", 
                "error": null
            "target": "ec2", 
            "template": "<template>\n <name>f17jeos</name>\n <os>\n <rootpw>changeme</rootpw>\n <name>Fedora</name>\n <version>17</version>\n <arch>x86_64</arch>\n <install type='url'>\n <url>http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/17/Fedora/x86_64/os/</url>\n </install>\n </os>\n <description>Fedora 17</description>\n </template>"

Provider Images

* **POST**  

Builds a new ProviderImage  

**OAuth protected:**  

__target_image_id__ - The uuid of a target image to push. Not needed if specifying a template.  This can also be specified in the resource path as shown in the example below.  
__template__ - An image template or component outline compatible with the TDL schema (http://imgfac.org/documentation/tdl) for creating base image and target image. Not needed if specifying a target image id.  
__target__ - The target to which the provider belongs. This would be the same target used for building a TargetImage.  
__provider__ - The cloud provider definition.  See the [provider definition examples][provider_examples] for more information.  
__credentials__ - The cloud provider credentials.  See the [credential examples][provider_examples] for more information.  
__parameters__ - Optional parameters that may change the nature of the image being built.  This may include things such as on-disk format or the build mechanism itself.  Parameters are never required as sensible defaults will always be used and will be made part of the queryable properties of an image.

__202__ - New image  
__400__ - Missing parameters  
__404__ - BaseImage or TargetImage not found  
__500__ - Error building image  

    >>> cat | http -f POST http://f17.vm.private:8075/imagefactory/base_images/c55674e1-c5b6-4cc9-b471-5fdc2ff095fc/target_images/208a3c18-8609-4441-9230-4a278660240e/provider_images target=ec2&provider=ec2-us-east-1&credentials=<provider_credentials>
                -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
                -----END CERTIFICATE-----
                -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
                -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
    HTTP/1.0 202 Accepted
    Content-Length: 2656
    Content-Type: application/json
    Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2012 17:10:01 GMT
    Server: PasteWSGIServer/0.5 Python/2.7.3
        "provider_image": {
            "_type": "ProviderImage", 
            "href": "http://f17.vm.private:8075/imagefactory/base_images/c55674e1-c5b6-4cc9-b471-5fdc2ff095fc/target_images/208a3c18-8609-4441-9230-4a278660240e/provider_images/03957dc3-a51b-41af-af3d-8544f4fa2b47", 
            "icicle": null, 
            "id": "03957dc3-a51b-41af-af3d-8544f4fa2b47", 
            "identifier_on_provider": null, 
            "parameters": null, 
            "percent_complete": 0, 
            "provider": "ec2-us-east-1", 
            "provider_account_identifier": null, 
            "status": "NEW", 
            "status_detail": {
                "activity": "Initializing image prior to Cloud/OS customization", 
                "error": null
            "target_image_id": "208a3c18-8609-4441-9230-4a278660240e", 
            "template": "<template>\n  <name>ApacheWebServer</name>\n  <description>Apache httpd server, running on Fedora 16</description>\n  <os>\n    <name>Fedora</name>\n    <version>16</version>\n    <arch>x86_64</arch>\n    <install type=\"url\">\n\n      <!-- This is the Fedora 16 base repository -->\n      <url>http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/16/Everything/x86_64/os/</url>\n\n      <!-- Note that only a base package installation is done. -->\n      <!-- No yum updates are automatically applied.  If you   -->\n      <!-- want updates (and you do! :>), you'll need to have  -->\n      <!-- a \"yum update -y\" in the command list below.        -->\n\n    </install>\n\n    <!-- The password for the root user.  You can use this to  -->\n    <!-- log in remotely if desired.                           -->\n    <rootpw>p@ssw0rd</rootpw>\n\n  </os>\n\n\n  <!-- After the main OS has been installed, the packages below are installed --> \n  <!-- in a separate step.  It takes into account the repositories in         -->\n  <!-- /etc/yum.repos.d/, unlike the base OS installation which doesn't.      -->\n\n  <packages>\n\n    <!-- These packages install Wordpress on this node.  In theory, just specifying -->\n    <!-- \"wordpress\" should be good enough.  In reality, that didn't consistently   -->\n    <!-- work for me.  Specifying httpd, php-gettext, and wordpress does.           -->\n    <!-- Note though, that could just be due to some unknown transient repo error   -->\n    <!-- or something. -->\n    <package name=\"httpd\"/>\n    <package name=\"php-gettext\"/>\n    <package name=\"wordpress\"/>\n\n  </packages>\n\n\n  <!-- After the above packages have been installed, -->\n  <!-- the commands below are run, in order.         -->\n\n  <commands>\n\n    <!-- This pulls in updated Fedora packages.  Practically mandatory  -->\n    <!-- in any real world deployment. :>                               -->\n    <command name=\"yum-update\">yum update -y</command>\n\n  </commands>\n\n</template>\n"

Image Inspection

__image_id__ - uuid of the image to inspect  


Get image details  

**OAuth protected:**  

__200__ - Image  
__404__ - Image Not Found  
__500__ - Server error

    >>> http http://f17.vm.private:8075/imagefactory/base_images/c55674e1-c5b6-4cc9-b471-5fdc2ff095fc
    HTTP/1.0 200 OK
    Content-Length: 3665
    Content-Type: application/json
    Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 22:46:12 GMT
    Server: PasteWSGIServer/0.5 Python/2.7.3
        "base_image": {
            "_type": "BaseImage", 
            "href": "http://f17.vm.private:8075/imagefactory/base_images/c55674e1-c5b6-4cc9-b471-5fdc2ff095fc", 
            "icicle": null, 
            "id": "c55674e1-c5b6-4cc9-b471-5fdc2ff095fc", 
            "parameters": {
                "libvirt_xml": "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<domain type=\"kvm\">\n  <name>factory-build-c55674e1-c5b6-4cc9-b471-5fdc2ff095fc</name>\n  <memory>1048576</memory>\n  <currentMemory>1048576</currentMemory>\n  <uuid>909f8df1-1d01-4413-b7dc-eccd9240fa5e</uuid>\n  <clock offset=\"utc\"/>\n  <vcpu>1</vcpu>\n  <features>\n    <acpi/>\n    <apic/>\n    <pae/>\n  </features>\n  <os>\n    <type>hvm</type>\n    <boot dev=\"hd\"/>\n  </os>\n  <on_poweroff>destroy</on_poweroff>\n  <on_reboot>destroy</on_reboot>\n  <on_crash>destroy</on_crash>\n  <devices>\n    <graphics port=\"-1\" type=\"vnc\"/>\n    <interface type=\"bridge\">\n      <source bridge=\"virbr0\"/>\n      <mac address=\"52:54:00:af:08:52\"/>\n      <model type=\"virtio\"/>\n    </interface>\n    <input bus=\"ps2\" type=\"mouse\"/>\n    <console type=\"pty\">\n      <target port=\"0\"/>\n    </console>\n    <serial type=\"tcp\">\n      <source mode=\"bind\" host=\"\" service=\"19883\"/>\n      <protocol type=\"raw\"/>\n      <target port=\"1\"/>\n    </serial>\n    <disk device=\"disk\" type=\"file\">\n      <target dev=\"vda\" bus=\"virtio\"/>\n      <source file=\"/var/lib/imagefactory/storage/c55674e1-c5b6-4cc9-b471-5fdc2ff095fc.body\"/>\n    </disk>\n  </devices>\n</domain>\n"
            "percent_complete": 0, 
            "status": "COMPLETE", 
            "status_detail": {
                "activity": "Cleaning up install artifacts", 
                "error": null
            "target_images": {
                "target_images": []
            "template": "<template>\n  <name>ApacheWebServer</name>\n  <description>Apache httpd server, running on Fedora 16</description>\n  <os>\n    <name>Fedora</name>\n    <version>16</version>\n    <arch>x86_64</arch>\n    <install type=\"url\">\n\n      <!-- This is the Fedora 16 base repository -->\n      <url>http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/16/Everything/x86_64/os/</url>\n\n      <!-- Note that only a base package installation is done. -->\n      <!-- No yum updates are automatically applied.  If you   -->\n      <!-- want updates (and you do! :>), you'll need to have  -->\n      <!-- a \"yum update -y\" in the command list below.        -->\n\n    </install>\n\n    <!-- The password for the root user.  You can use this to  -->\n    <!-- log in remotely if desired.                           -->\n    <rootpw>p@ssw0rd</rootpw>\n\n  </os>\n\n\n  <!-- After the main OS has been installed, the packages below are installed --> \n  <!-- in a separate step.  It takes into account the repositories in         -->\n  <!-- /etc/yum.repos.d/, unlike the base OS installation which doesn't.      -->\n\n  <packages>\n\n    <!-- These packages install Wordpress on this node.  In theory, just specifying -->\n    <!-- \"wordpress\" should be good enough.  In reality, that didn't consistently   -->\n    <!-- work for me.  Specifying httpd, php-gettext, and wordpress does.           -->\n    <!-- Note though, that could just be due to some unknown transient repo error   -->\n    <!-- or something. -->\n    <package name=\"httpd\"/>\n    <package name=\"php-gettext\"/>\n    <package name=\"wordpress\"/>\n\n  </packages>\n\n\n  <!-- After the above packages have been installed, -->\n  <!-- the commands below are run, in order.         -->\n\n  <commands>\n\n    <!-- This pulls in updated Fedora packages.  Practically mandatory  -->\n    <!-- in any real world deployment. :>                               -->\n    <command name=\"yum-update\">yum update -y</command>\n\n  </commands>\n\n</template>\n"

Image Deletion

__image_id__ - uuid of the image to delete  
__target__ - The target to which the provider belongs. Only needed if deleting a provider image.  
__provider__ - The cloud provider definition.  See the [provider definition examples][provider_examples] for more information. Only needed if deleting a provider image.  
__credentials__ - The cloud provider credentials.  See the [credential examples][provider_examples] for more information. Only needed if deleting a provider image.  
__parameters__ - Dictionary of optional parameters such as settirng a callback.  


Delete the image specified with *image_id*  

**OAuth protected:**  

__204__ - No Content  
__404__ - Image Not Found  
__500__ - Server error  

    >>> http DELETE http://f17.vm.private:8075/imagefactory/provider_images/7b301688-2b7f-49e8-b744-6b8a450fac25
    HTTP/1.0 204 No Content
    Content-Length: 0
    Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2012 18:59:45 GMT
    Server: PasteWSGIServer/0.5 Python/2.7.3



Lists the loaded plugins  

**OAuth protected:**  

__200__ - Plugin list  
__500__ - Server error

    >>> http http://f17.vm.private:8075/imagefactory/plugins
    HTTP/1.0 200 OK
    Content-Length: 3369
    Content-Type: application/json
    Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2012 19:03:37 GMT
    Server: PasteWSGIServer/0.5 Python/2.7.3
        "plugins": [
                "_type": "plugin", 
                "description": "Fedora, RHEL-5 and RHEL-6 OS plugin", 
                "href": "http://f17.vm.private:8075/imagefactory/plugins/FedoraOS", 
                "id": "FedoraOS", 
                "license": "Copyright 2012 Red Hat, Inc. - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0", 
                "maintainer": {
                    "email": "aeolus-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org", 
                    "name": "Red Hat, Inc.", 
                    "url": "http://imgfac.org"
                "targets": [
                "type": "os", 
                "version": "1.0"
                "_type": "plugin", 
                "description": "EC2 cloud plugin for imagefactory", 
                "href": "http://f17.vm.private:8075/imagefactory/plugins/EC2Cloud", 
                "id": "EC2Cloud", 
                "license": "Copyright 2012 Red Hat, Inc. - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0", 
                "maintainer": {
                    "email": "aeolus-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org", 
                    "name": "Red Hat, Inc.", 
                    "url": "http://imgfac.org"
                "targets": [
                "type": "cloud", 
                "version": "1.0"

Get the details for plugin with a given id.  

**OAuth protected:**  

__200__ - Plugin  
__500__ - Server error  

    >>> http http://f17.vm.private:8075/imagefactory/plugins/OpenStackCloud
    HTTP/1.0 200 OK
    Content-Length: 495
    Content-Type: application/json
    Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2012 19:07:56 GMT
    Server: PasteWSGIServer/0.5 Python/2.7.3
        "_type": "plugin", 
        "description": "OpenStack KVM cloud plugin for imagefactory", 
        "href": "http://f17.vm.private:8075/imagefactory/plugins/OpenStackCloud/OpenStackCloud", 
        "id": "OpenStackCloud", 
        "license": "Copyright 2012 Red Hat, Inc. - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0", 
        "maintainer": {
            "email": "aeolus-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org", 
            "name": "Red Hat, Inc.", 
            "url": "http://imgfac.org"
        "targets": [
        "type": "cloud", 
        "version": "1.0"

Cloud Targets and Providers