% IMAGEFACTORY(1) Version 2.0 - November 16, 2012 User Manual


imagefactory - create virtual machine images for use on a variety of clouds


imagefactory [-h] [-v] [--verbose] [--debug] [--config CONFIG]
             [--imgdir IMGDIR] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--tmpdir TMPDIR]
             [--plugins PLUGINS] [--ec2-32bit-util EC2_32BIT_UTIL]
             [--ec2-64bit-util EC2_64BIT_UTIL]


imagefactory is the command line interface to the Image Factory framework, allowing one to create, push, inspect, and delete images without the REST service.

Image Factory builds virtual machine images using an image template document (also known as a component outline), which is an abstract description of the system to be built. See the TDL schema documentation for a full description of what can be specified in a template. Built images can then be pushed to cloud providers such as Amazon EC2 or VMware vSphere where they can be launched as instances.

Command line options are described further down in this document. For more configuration options, see the Image Factory configuration documentation.


-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-v, --version         show program's version number and exit
--verbose             Set verbose logging.
--config CONFIG       Configuration file to use. (default:
--imgdir IMGDIR       Build image files in location specified. (default:
--timeout TIMEOUT     Set the timeout period for image building in seconds.
                        (default: 3600)
--tmpdir TMPDIR       Use the specified location for temporary files.
                        (default: /tmp)
--plugins PLUGINS     Plugin directory. (default:
--nodebug             Turn off the default verbose CLI logging
--output {log,json}   Choose between log or json output. (default: log)
--raw                 Turn off pretty printing.

EC2 settings:
    --ec2-32bit-util EC2_32BIT_UTIL
                        Instance type to use when launching a 32 bit utility
    --ec2-64bit-util EC2_64BIT_UTIL
                        Instance type to use when launching a 64 bit utility

    base_image          Build a generic image.
    target_image        Customize an image for a given cloud.
    provider_image      Push an image to a cloud provider.
    images              List images of a given type or get details of an
    delete              Delete an image.
    plugins             List active plugins or get details of a specific
                        plugin. **COMMANDS**


usage: imagefactory base_image [-h] [--paramaters PARAMATERS] template

positional arguments:
  template              A file containing the image template or component
                        outline, compatible with the TDL schema

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --paramaters PARAMATERS


usage: imagefactory target_image [-h] (--id ID | --template TEMPLATE)
                                 [--parameters PARAMETERS]

positional arguments:
  target                The name of the target cloud for which to customize
                        the image.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --id ID               The uuid of the BaseImage to customize.
  --template TEMPLATE   A file containing the image template or component
                        outline, compatible with the TDL schema
  --parameters PARAMETERS

For the provider and credentials parameters, see the provider and credential examples for more information.

usage: imagefactory provider_image [-h] (--id ID | --template TEMPLATE)
                                   [--parameters PARAMETERS]
                                   target provider credentials

positional arguments:
  target                The target type of the given cloud provider
  provider              A file containing the cloud provider description
                        or a string literal starting with '@' such as
  credentials           A file containing the cloud provider credentials

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --id ID               The uuid of the TargetImage to push.
  --template TEMPLATE   A file containing the image template or component
                        outline, compatible with the TDL schema
  --parameters PARAMETERS
  --snapshot            Select snapshot style of build


usage: imagefactory images [-h] fetch_spec

positional arguments:
  fetch_spec  JSON formatted string of key/value pairs

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

For the provider and credentials parameters, see the provider and credential examples for more information.

usage: imagefactory delete [-h] [--provider PROVIDER]
                           [--credentials CREDENTIALS] [--target TARGET]
                           [--parameters PARAMETERS]

positional arguments:
  id                    UUID of the image to delete

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --provider PROVIDER   A file containing the cloud provider description or
                        a string literal starting with '@' such as
  --credentials CREDENTIALS
                        A file containing the provider credentials
  --target TARGET       The name of the target cloud for which to customize
                        the image.
  --parameters PARAMETERS


usage: imagefactory plugins [-h] [--id ID]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --id ID


Create a base image and customize it for a given target:

imagefactory target_image EC2Cloud --template ~/fedora16_64.tdl

Push an image to a cloud provider:

imagefactory provider_image ~/rhevm.json ~/credentials.xml --id "dd083ab5-65d9-4f3b-b118-5a5892ca6316"

Get the details of an image:

imagefactory images '{"identifier": "b91586df-761d-40a9-8423-5392f2a1143f"}'

List images of a specific type:

imagefactory images '{"type": "BaseImage"}'

Delete an image:

imagefactory delete "c09f3926-59ac-4e83-a7a8-d816b623f3e2"

List the active plugins:

imagefactory plugins

View a specific plugin:

imagefactory plugins --id RHEVM