% IMAGEFACTORY.CONF(5) Version 1.0 - February 10, 2012
Image Factory looks for a configuration file at /etc/imagefactory/imagefactory.conf
by default. The configuration file uses JSON for the format. This document describes the configuration options for Image Factory below.
General options
Options setting the overall behavior of Image Factory.
- debug
- Description: Turns on verbose debugging messages in the log file.
- Default: False
- imgdir
- Description: Filesystem location in which to build images.
- Default: /tmp
- max_concurrent_local_sessions
- Description: The maximum number of concurrent local builds to allow. A local build starts a KVM guest to perform a JEOS install, consuming disk space and memory on the host. Once the number of concurrent builds is reached, any other builds will entera queue and continue as previous builds complete.
- Default: 2
- timeout
- Description: Sets the timeout period for image building in seconds.
- Default: 3600
- tmpdir
- Description: Filesystem location to use for temporary files.
- Default: /tmp
REST API options
Options for enabling the REST API and configuring how it is accessed.
- rest
- Description: Enable the REST API
- Default: False
- port
- Description: Network port to listen on for REST API
- Default: 8075
- address
- Description: Network address to listen on for REST API
- Default:
- ssl_pem
- Description: Path to ssl certificate. If no certificate is specified, a self signed certificate will be generated when imagefactory starts.
- Default: None
- no_ssl
- Description: Turn off SSL access to REST API.
- Default: False
- no_oauth
- Description: Turn off OAuth authentication for REST API.
- Default: False
- clients
- Description: Dictionary of client keys and shared secrets assigned to clients authenticating with OAuth.
- Default: None
- Example:
"clients": {"client1": "secret1", "client2": "secret2"}
Amazon EC2 options
Options specific to Amazon EC2.
- ec2_build_style
- Description: How images should be built for EC2. As the name implies, an upload build will install an OS in a VM locally to be customized and prepared for upload to EC2. A snapshot build will copy an existing AMI to be customized.
- Default: snapshot
- Values: snapshot, upload
- ec2_ami_type
- Description: The EC2 storage type to use for AMIs.
- Default: s3
- Values: s3, ebs
- ec2-32bit-util
- Description: Instance type to use when launching a 32 bit utility instance.
- Default: m1.small
- ec2-64bit-util
- Description: Instance type to use when launching a 64 bit utility instance.
- Default: m1.large
- max_concurrent_ec2_sessions
- Description: The maximum number of concurrent EC2 snapshot builds to allow. Once the number of concurrent builds is reached, any other builds will entera queue and continue as previous builds complete.
- Default: 2
RHEVM options
Options specific to Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization
- rhevm_image_format
- Description: The format to use for RHEVM images.
- Default: kvm
- Values: qcow2